Sometimes, life gets you down in the dumps. And once you are in the dumps, it can be hard to climb yourself out. I know that when I have a bad day, I can have the tendency to just want it to end. I get the feeling of “what else can go wrong?” where I do not want to find out! And let’s be real, we have all felt this way. And it can be a valid way to feel! But, it will also not help you feel better. In fact, it usually makes the bad day even worse. Instead of allowing a poor attitude to take over, I have started using affirmations to turn my day around!
Affirmations are compliments that we give ourselves to encourage our spirit. However, it is not as simple as saying “I’m pretty” or “I’m smart.” Affirmations have to have a deeper meaning behind them. This allows us to truly feel and believe them! Once you have chosen an affirmation that is meaningful to you, be active about it. Don’t just let the thought pass your mind and move on with your day. Instead, take a moment, say it out loud or write it down, and sit with it. A great way to do this can be through journaling (see affirmations included in 10 Helpful Journal Topics When You Feel Stressed.)
Keep reading below for 20 affirmations for when you feel down.

- I have the strength to jump over this hurdle.
- I am intelligent in a way that makes me unique.
- My courage is greater and far more important than my fear.
- I am beautiful. There is no one exactly like me.
- I deserve to be surrounded by honest, selfless love.
- I am doing what I am meant to be doing at this moment in my journey.
- My body is strong and healthy.
- I inhale calmness with each breath I take.
- I release my negative thoughts with each exhale.
- My ideas are valuable, regardless of whether others realize it.
- I deserve to be treated with respect, and I won’t accept less.
- I trust myself to make the right decisions.
- I attract positivity as I radiate it through my body.
- Every unwanted failure is a gift, as it will lead me closer to success.
- I love myself for both who I am and who I will grow to be.
- I accept my flaws, as perfection does not exist.
- I am in grounded like a tree’s roots, in control of my emotions.
- Life has thrown difficult challenges at me before, and I have made it through every single one of them.
- My time is valuable, and I refuse to waste it on negativity.
- My emotions are temporary, and I know I will feel happiness again.