Have you ever had a day that seems to get worse and worse as it goes on? Right when you wake up, you feel like you are on the wrong side of the bed, and your day can then painfully follow this course. Well, this is because you have allowed yourself to start your day on the wrong side of the bed! Negative energy is contagious not only to others, but to ourselves. When we feel negative, it is far too easy to attract more negativity and surround ourselves within a bubble of it. Soon enough, we accept that we are just “having a bad day,” and a bad day we have.
This is why it is so important to start your day right. Even if you wake up feeling less than stellar, you have every opportunity to turn it around before you get stuck in that yucky bubble!
Keep reading for 7 morning habits happy people do.
1. Make your bed
I’m sure you have heard this one before, whether it is from successful people or your mother growing up. But, this is because it really does make a difference. Making your bed right when you wake up creates a sense of accomplishment immediately. This gives you that little rush of dopamine that creates feelings of happiness from a job well done. Plus, it sets your brain into a productive gear.
2. Skip the social media check
I know that I am not the only one who has gotten into the habit before of opening up Instagram as soon as I wake up. This is so not the way to start your day! Constant social media use has been shown to increase anxiety, loneliness, and depression, so try to stay away from starting your day through its lens. Instead of focusing on others right away, take those morning minutes to focus on you.
3. Meditate
There are so many benefits for your mental health within meditation. It makes you feel more grounded, more in-tune with your body, and more mindful. Mindfulness allows you to take things as they come and to stay present in the moment without anxiety. It is not always an easy mindset to acquire, but meditation can help you to experience it. See here for a guide on how to morning meditate.
4. Give yourself enough time
Waking up late and rushing in the morning is the worst! It creates anxiety about being late, you are likely to forget things, and you are so stressed out first thing. To avoid this, make sure that you set an alarm that allows you time to do your morning routine without rushing. This also means avoiding the snooze button when your alarm goes off. If you are afraid that you might hit snooze by mistake, set a couple of alarms that are only 1-2 minutes apart. The close proximity of the alarms will keep you from going fully back to sleep in-between.
5. Eat a healthy breakfast
I’m sure you have heard that old cliche that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Fortunately, this repeated phrase actually has truth behind it! Breakfast literally means “break” (your) “fast.” After your body has spent all night resting, repairing, and working hard, your breakfast is the first thing entering it since your meal the night before. This means that it is so important to hit your body with something healthy and nutritious to jumpstart it for the day. Some popular choices for healthy breakfasts are egg whites, smoothies, and overnight oats.
6. Practice gratitude
Practicing gratitude really does make a difference in your day. Think of three things that you are grateful for, and say them OUT LOUD! Saying them out loud speaks them into existence and connects your gratitude with the universe. This creates positive energy to start your day.
7. State affirmations
To go along with your gratitude, think of three things that you want to be today and state them out loud. Instead of phrasing them as “I want,” state them as “I am” and “I will.” For example, “I will do an amazing job on my presentation today” or “I am strong.” These affirmations can be however general or specific you want, based on what each day brings.
I encourage you to try adding these morning habits to your wakeup routine to create a happier mindset first thing! You can add as many or as few as you feel comfortable with. If you have never done any of them, try starting with one or two to avoid overwhelming yourself. If you already do a few of them, then try a couple more. Give yourself at least 2 weeks before reflecting on the difference that they have made, and enjoy the process!
I am going to start stating affirmations out loud and will track two weeks from today to reflect on my results and will share with you. Thank you for sharing this morning habit!
Happy you like this idea and would love to hear how it went π