Have you ever noticed how great you feel after a good workout? Maybe you were having a stressful day. But after working out, you feel a sense of relief. You feel at least a little bit better than before. Exercise is not only amazing for your body. It is incredible for your mental health and mindset too! While any type of exercise can be beneficial, here are the best methods and types of exercise for mental health.
Timing: Morning Workouts
Morning person or not, this is the best time of day to work out. Setting your alarm a little earlier to do a morning workout starts your day right. First of all, it eliminates any excuses you can make later in the day to cancel your workout. Additionally, your body has naturally higher cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the morning. This will motivate your workouts and help you feel ready to go.
Another reason why morning workouts are the best is that they release happy chemicals first thing in the morning! Depending upon the type of workout you complete, your brain can release happy hormones including endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. This will increase your happiness levels before anything else can touch them during your day. For more on happy chemicals, see Happy Chemicals & How to Hack Them.
Format: Classes
There are many positive formats to exercise, and the best kind might vary based on your personality. However, I find classes to be the best format of exercise for mental health. During a workout class, you have dedicated a certain amount of time to be there. It isn’t exactly easy to stop and give up when the rest of the class is working hard next to you! Energy is contagious, and the high energy levels that come from exercise classes are amazing.
This high-energy style of exercise can increase your motivation, boost your self-esteem, and lead to a release of dopamine. When you feel motivated during a workout, you will likely feel a sense of a “job well done” after. This leads to a release of dopamine which is a happy hormone! It is linked to rewards, so you will feel good for doing what you set out to do.
Format: Nature
If you are able to work out outside, this is a great type of exercise for mental health! Fresh air is healing. Not only is this my opinion, but it also releases serotonin which chemically makes you feel happy. Whether you take an outdoor Soul Cycle class or go for a nature walk, working out in the fresh air is a great option to feel good.
Exercise Type: Cardio
Have you ever heard of “runner’s high”? It isn’t just a phrase people use to brag about how fit they are. It is actually a bodily response to running! When your heart rate rises and your heart works harder to pump blood, your brain releases endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that act as natural painkillers, giving you a euphoric feeling.
Endorphins can be achieved through more than just running; you can also find your “runner’s high” through any high-intensity cardio workout where your pulse rises.
Exercise Type: Yoga
Yoga is fantastic for both your body and mind. Whether you take a beginner or advanced class, you will work through grounding techniques to connect with your body in a healthy way. This can include meditation, stretching, breathing techniques, and practicing mindfulness.
These are my top types of exercise for mental health. What format, timing, and types of exercise do you find to be best for your mental health?