Crystals have been receiving a lot of attention lately. Known for their ability to raise your vibration and impact your energy, crystals can be used in many ways. This can include meditation, rituals, or simply placed in rooms. The sister of rose quartz, clear quartz is one of the more popular crystals used for healing. If you are entering the world of crystals and holistic healing, clear quartz is a great crystal to start with! Keep reading to learn about clear quartz benefits and how you can start using it.

Origin of Clear Quartz
Clear quartz is a naturally occurring mineral made of oxygen and silicon. It is found in rocks through mining across the world, most abundantly in the United States, Brazil, and Madagascar. Because it is fairly common, clear quartz is one of the more budget-friendly crystals to start with. In terms of appearance, clear quartz can have a clear color or a more cloudy, white color. I reccomend opting for a more pure, transparent color if you are able to. Clear quartz is a powerful crystal and is known as the master healer.
Clear Quartz Benefits
Clear quartz benefits can be molded depending on the person using it. This is what makes it such a unique and powerful crystal! As an energy amplifying stone, clear quartz can multiply the energy that it absorbs. It does this through its connection with the universe and energy sources that cannot be reached physically. Clear quartz crystals will take your human energy and align it with the greater and more powerful energy of the universe.
The ability of clear quartz to connect with greater powers also makes it an extremely spiritual stone. For example, if you have been feeling lost lately, this stone can help connect you to your spiritual guides to find the right path. You can set intentions to connect with your guardian angels or another spiritual being.
Clear quartz benefits also include its ability to bring you mental clarity. This can be done through spiritual connection, meditation, or balancing your emotions.
As the master healer, clear quartz is also known to have physical healing properties. Similar to its other benefits, this stems from its connection with the greater energy of the universe. If you set an intention to cleanse your organs or heal an illness, clear quartz can amplify the healing energy in connection with your body.
How to Use Clear Quartz
Clear quartz can be used to heal through their spiritual connection with higher powers. Some examples of how to use clear quartz are through meditation, setting intentions, and overall healing. When introducing a clear quartz crystal to your body and mind, it is critical to be mindful of its power.
Be Mindful of its Power
Through any method, it is important to be mindful of the power of the clear quartz crystal. If you are new to crystals, try using a very small one at first. This will limit the magnitude of the clear quartz crystal’s multiplied energies. For empaths who are so sensitive to energy, the clear quartz crystal can become overwhelming. This can even lead to physical symptoms including headaches. Therefore, maintaining an awareness of exposure is important. For this reason, I don’t reccomend keeping it on you or around you at all times.
Clear quartz is linked to the crown chakra. This gives you access to more conscious awareness and mindfulness. As a result, it is a great tool for meditation. In meditation, an overall objective is to clear your mind and feel at peace. The clear quartz can help accomplish this with its healing powers and connection to the crown chakra. For a guide to the basics of meditation, see How to Morning Meditate. Once you feel comfortable with meditation, try holding a clear quartz crystal in your non-dominant hand. Then, allow yourself to feel its energy as you sink into your meditation.
Setting Intentions
Try setting your intentions with a clear quartz crystal. It will then absorb and reflect that same energy at a greater magnitude. This will align your energy with your goals, helping you to achieve them. Along with setting intentions, clear quartz benefits support manifestation. Use this crystal to connect with the energy of the universe, manifesting what you believe is meant for you.
Clear quartz has powers that can heal your mind, body, and energy. It can be used in healing practices such as Reiki or individually. To harness the healing power of your energy stone, hold it in your non-dominant hand and set intentions for what you want to heal. Then, allow yourself to feel its energy. You may also choose to carry a small crystal with you if you are facing severe mental or physical difficulties. Once again, be mindful of its power to ensure it is not overwhelming you.
Another way to use clear quartz to heal is through balancing your emotions. This can be done by placing the clear quartz with another crystal. As an amplifier, the clear quartz will increase the power of the other crystal near it. For example, if you desire increased mental clarity, place the clear quartz crystal near an amethyst crystal.
Have you tried using crystals before? If not, I hope you find the opportunity to experience a clear quartz crystal. If you have used a clear quartz crystal before, share your experiences in the comments!