Do people sometimes tell you to stop being so sensitive? On the other hand, have you ever told someone this? Well, there is actually such a thing as a Highly Sensitive Person, otherwise known as an empath. And this is a neurological thing! Like anything neurological, it is important to understand and accept it in order to thrive. It is also important to surround yourself with compassionate people who get it. Keep reading to learn a little more about what it means to be an empath/highly sensitive person.

What is an empath/highly sensitive person?
Empath comes from the word empathy. And empathy is the ability to sense and share other people’s emotions. Therefore, an empath is a someone who has a very strong sense of empathy to the point of experiencing the emotions of other people for themselves. As you can imagine, this can become very overwhelming! As mentioned by healthline, symptoms of being an empath can include feeling overwhelmed in crowded places, difficulty with not caring, feeling overwhelmed by conflict, and needing time to recharge.
How to take care of yourself as an empath:
If you identify as an empath, self-care is extremely important! You are not going to be the person who can go out every night, and you will usually just want to unwind after a hectic day of work or socializing. Make sure that you don’t develop FOMO from this. Go to something if you feel up to it, and stay home if you don’t! Either way, own your decision.
You also take longer than most to process conflict, and if you have a significant other or anyone you are very close to, they will need to be understanding of this. Strong communication is everything to avoid overthinking!
How to be understanding of an empath:
Just because someone is an empath, doesn’t mean that you should walk on eggshells around them. However, you should be kind and considerate as you should with anyone! Just having a general awareness that they may take things more to heart is the most important thing. Don’t tell them to “get over things” or to “stop being so sensitive,” because they can’t help it. It’s in their DNA!
And along with this sensitivity comes so many beautiful things, like really deep and meaningful connection. Because empaths are so sensitive to the energy of others, they will feel it and care so much about you. And as a side note to this, they are awesome gift givers and celebration planners because of it! So, next time you want to tell someone to stop being so sensitive, think about all of the reasons why you love their sensitivity instead. And if you identify as an empath, embrace it!! The gift of caring and loving deeply is a beautiful thing.